Saturday, March 8, 2014

Updates & Two Polls

Hi everyone! I haven't been on here much, but hope to get back into the regular swing of blogging. I have an upcoming interview with Marissa Meyer (author of Cinder, Scarlet & Cress), a few book reviews... BUT... not now. For later ;)

For now, i just want to ask you to look on the bottom of my blog and answer the two polls please :)

Also, check out these amazing blogs that I don't normally talk about... :

A Perfection Called Books 
One of my best Goodreads friends and blogger buddies.

Fangirling Misses
Recently started by some of my bestest friends.

Anyways, just wanted to update you! :)
Have a great day.



  1. I found the polls a little hard to read due to the clashing colour theme and typeface - nevertheless I managed to read it by highlighting it, before voting. Also, may I ask if you could also do interviews with authors about their books, and any tips they may give? That'd be good to read (:

    1. Okay, thanks for telling me- I shall try to fix it :D

      I actually do have a few interviews planned, so yes, that should be coming soon :D

  2. Layla, Honey, We are freaking on GR.. where have you gone?

  3. Ugh you need to post more! I miss your posts!!!
