Sooooooooo... I saw Despicable Me 2!!!!! Minions!!!!! It. Is. Amazing. Enough said?
Here is a cool picture:
I edited a picture if Hannah to make it look like she is underwater!!!!!
Another awesome picture:
Yep. I really took that! But... if you HAVE to know the real story behind it... here is the original picture, taken by my house:
Not that exciting, is it? While... I still like it... i guess. Actually, I saved it under notsoawesomeness;)
Now, I have something exciting that will please many of my bloglings...
I made it!!! For you!! Now, here are the rules:
1. You must tag 5 people.
2. You must answer the 5 questions.
3. You must create five more book-related questions for your tagged ones.
4. Tell the people you tagged them.
5. Have fun!
The Questions:
1. What is your least favorite book?
2. If you had one chance to make someone enjoy reading, what book would you give them?
3. What is the longest book you have ever read and how long was it?
4. What is your favorite genre to read?
5. What is your favorite book you've read so far this year?
My Answers:
1. A Great Day For Up by Dr. Seuss! Pick it up and you WILL know why.
2. i.can. not. answer. this. Yep. I'm cheating. Please forgive me.
3. Bleak house by Charles Dickens, 926 pages
4. King Artur Books!!!!! Anything Merlin related! I'm a self-confessed Arthurian obsesser.
5. WHAT??????? Layla, stop coming up with such hard questions! Maybe The once and future King by T. H. White.
My Tagged People:
1. Hannah Elise @
2. Layla & Hagen @
3. Cait and Mime @
4. Storyteller @
5. Hannah @
Also, in this post, comment with any questions about me and I will answer them in a later post!
Thats it! See you later!